How to make a roundabout in cities skylines
How to make a roundabout in cities skylines

how to make a roundabout in cities skylines how to make a roundabout in cities skylines

It is ambiguous in our nation’s political settings that the members of the nation’s legislature owe their positions to self not their local or state electorate, not in reality, to their national party leadership nor to their colleagues in the legislature. Yet, there is a glaring fact, that the nation’s sudden and freakish odyssey into civil rule looks a foray too forlorn, with strange bedfellows, who sit on the destiny of the Nigerian estate and who share experiences they hardly understood nor could relate with a hallowed chamber peopled with characters with loose values, loose lifestyles, self-absorbed, self-centred and morally decadent individuals, superintending over the affairs of a country that appears to have nothing to offer except dust and poverty and constantly making forays into Dante’s inferno. All the people were saddled with today were mere excuses, explanations and more explanations. Nigeria at 61 and were yet to manifest the grace in the transforming power inherent in their great potentials, what with huge and mounting “foreign” and “local” debts. Did we not collect the politicians ”stomach infrastructure” and other inducements at the polling stations!. In retrospect, its easy to see where we went wrong as a people with voting power and became accessories after the fact. It also became meaningless to the heart and life of the individual. Rather than making democracy co-efficient of abundance, it became a meaningless metaphor of a people sheepishly submitting to the state. Nigeria is a great and complex country where the social and economic structures are also so complex, to a point where we could not properly interpret what democracy stood for neither could its managers and political juggernauts make it serve the general interest of the mass of the people.

how to make a roundabout in cities skylines

The peoples’ swansong today was a stilled grumble of ‘all motion no movement.’ Before anyone starts nudging about the railway and road construction forgetting about the mounting debts and liabilities it is bequeathing on generations yet unborn one must state that the aim of this treatise is not to examine the step by step guide and procedures in dealing with the differences and problems, but rather the focus is on what the disposition should be. Nigerians have closets full of clothes and yet it still have nothing to wear. Well, while, nothing was working in the country, nothing was happening to the people.

How to make a roundabout in cities skylines